Board of Trustees

Greenwood Friends School is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of volunteer members. According to our bylaws, a majority of the trustees must be members of the Religious Society of Friends. The other trustees are at-large members. 

The Board of Trustees is the guardian of the school’s mission and principal fiduciary of the school; it has primary responsibility for strategic planning and for hiring and nurturing the Head of School; it assumes overall responsibility for the health and vitality of the  school while delegating to the Head responsibility for operations and implementation of policy (Principles of Good Practice, Friends Council on Education; for more information see GFS handbook).

Trustees are nominated by the Committee on Trustees, a Board committee, and appointed by the Board as a whole for three-year terms. The Board meets once a month and conducts its meetings in the manner of Friends — according to the rules and customs governing Quaker Meetings for Business.  Officers of the Board are the Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Recording Clerk, and Treasurer. The Head of School participates in Board meetings as an ex officio member. The work of the Board is facilitated by standing committees and by ad hoc task groups as needed. Membership on Board committees is open to non-Board members.

Greenwood Friends School Board members include: 
Baker Anderson, Bryan Campbell, Melissa Rycroft, Larry Smith and Jim Toohey.

Committees of the Board

  • Finance & Development Committee

    Assists the treasurer and Head of School in areas of financial responsibility such as: budget development, tuition assistance decisions, development activities, operational budget fundraising, marketing, and public relations.

  • Facilities Committee

    Develops an annual maintenance schedule and oversees the maintenance, enhancement, health, and safety of the physical plant.

  • Personnel Committee

  • Reviews personnel policies, proposes policy changes to the Board, and serves as a resource for the Head of School to ensure that the highest standards of personal and professional conduct are met by staff, faculty, and students.

  • Committee on Quaker Life

    Provides Quaker resources to the Greenwood Friends School community and support community building through Quaker activities and programs.

  • Committee on Trustees
    Cultivates interest in board service; nominates and orients new representatives to the board; identifies people willing to serve as clerk, assistant clerk, recording clerk, treasurer, and chairs of standing committees; monitors the health, diversity, and effectiveness of the board